Michael A. Paradiso

Brown University, Providence, RI 
Visual system
"Michael Paradiso"
Mean distance: 12.45 (cluster 17)


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Aaron Gregoire research assistant Brown
Jessica Resvick research assistant Brown
Emily Patricia Stephen research assistant 2006-2007
Theresa Lii research assistant 2009-2010 Brown
Andrew F. Rossi grad student 1996 Brown
Xin Huang grad student 2003 Brown
Sean P. MacEvoy grad student 1998-2003 Brown
Cathy Clarke Wells grad student 2005 Brown
James E. Niemeyer grad student 2009-2015 Brown
Jacqueline B Hynes grad student 2009-2016 Brown
Dar Meshi post-doc Brown
Octavio Ruiz post-doc Brown
Hongmei Yan research scientist Brown
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Niemeyer JE, Akers-Campbell S, Gregoire A, et al. (2022) Perceptual enhancement and suppression correlate with V1 neural activity during active sensing. Current Biology : Cb. 32: 2654-2667.e4
Paradiso MA, Akers-Campbell S, Ruiz O, et al. (2018) Transsacadic Information and Corollary Discharge in Local Field Potentials of Macaque V1. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 12: 63
Niemeyer JE, Paradiso MA. (2018) Saccade-based termination responses in macaque V1 and visual perception. Visual Neuroscience. 35: E025
Niemeyer JE, Paradiso MA. (2016) Contrast sensitivity, V1 neural activity, and natural vision. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00635.2016
Bear MF, Connors BW, Paradiso MA. (2015) Neuroscience: Exploring the brain: Fourth edition Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain: Fourth Edition. 1-975
Niemeyer J, Paradiso M. (2014) Natural vision effects on contrast sensitivity and their correlation with macaque V1 activity Journal of Vision. 14: 197-197
Paradiso MA, Meshi D, Pisarcik J, et al. (2012) Eye movements reset visual perception. Journal of Vision. 12: 11
Ruiz O, Paradiso MA. (2012) Macaque V1 representations in natural and reduced visual contexts: spatial and temporal properties and influence of saccadic eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology. 108: 324-33
Shalev GY, Paradiso MA. (2010) The effects of natural scenes and saccades on V1 orientation selectivity Journal of Vision. 5: 596-596
Rossi AF, Paradiso MA. (2009) Surface Completion: Psychophysical and Neurophysiological Studies of Brightness Filling-in: From Perceptual Completion to Cortical Reorganization
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