André Longtin

Physics University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
Theoretical Neuroscience; Physics; Non-linear dynamic
"André Longtin"
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Xu J, Girardi-Schappo M, Beique JC, et al. (2024) Shortcutting from self-motion signals reveals a cognitive map in mice. Elife. 13
Naud R, Longtin A. (2023) Connecting levels of analysis in the computational era. The Journal of Physiology
Trinh AT, Girardi-Schappo M, Béïque JC, et al. (2023) Adaptive spike threshold dynamics associated with sparse spiking of hilar mossy cells are captured by a simple model. The Journal of Physiology. 601: 4397-4422
Harkin EF, Lynn MB, Payeur A, et al. (2023) Temporal derivative computation in the dorsal raphe network revealed by an experimentally-driven augmented integrate-and-fire modeling framework. Elife. 12
Wallach A, Melanson A, Longtin A, et al. (2021) Mixed selectivity coding of sensory and motor social signals in the thalamus of a weakly electric fish. Current Biology : Cb
Nesse WH, Maler L, Longtin A. (2020) Enhanced Signal Detection by Adaptive Decorrelation of Interspike Intervals. Neural Computation. 1-35
René A, Longtin A, Macke JH. (2020) Inference of a Mesoscopic Population Model from Population Spike Trains. Neural Computation. 1-51
Naud R, Longtin A. (2020) Correction to: Linking demyelination to compound action potential dispersion with a spike-diffuse-spike approach. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience. 10: 6
Powanwe AS, Longtin A. (2019) Determinants of Brain Rhythm Burst Statistics. Scientific Reports. 9: 18335
Soares C, Trotter D, Longtin A, et al. (2019) Parsing Out the Variability of Transmission at Central Synapses Using Optical Quantal Analysis. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 11: 22
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