Chantelle L. Ferland, Ph.D.

2012 Neuroscience Tulane University School of Science and Engineering 
Neuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology, Behavioral Psychology
"Chantelle Ferland"
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Laura A. Schrader grad student 2012 Tulane University School of Science and Engineering
 (Functional implications of stress-mediated molecular changes in the hippocampus.)
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Ferland CL, Reichel CM, McGinty JF. (2015) Effects of oxytocin on methamphetamine-seeking exacerbated by predator odor pre-exposure in rats. Psychopharmacology
Ferland CL, Harris EP, Lam M, et al. (2014) Facilitation of the HPA axis to a novel acute stress following chronic stress exposure modulates histone acetylation and the ERK/MAPK pathway in the dentate gyrus of male rats. Endocrinology. 155: 2942-52
Ferland CL, Hawley WR, Puckett RE, et al. (2013) Sirtuin activity in dentate gyrus contributes to chronic stress-induced behavior and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 cascade changes in the hippocampus. Biological Psychiatry. 74: 927-35
Ferland CL, Schrader LA. (2011) Cage mate separation in pair-housed male rats evokes an acute stress corticosterone response. Neuroscience Letters. 489: 154-8
Ferland CL, Schrader LA. (2011) Regulation of histone acetylation in the hippocampus of chronically stressed rats: a potential role of sirtuins. Neuroscience. 174: 104-14
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