
Carlos Cassanello

2008-2012 Psychology Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
"Carlos Cassanello"
Mean distance: 16.56 (cluster 23)
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Valsecchi M, Cassanello C, Herwig A, et al. (2020) A comparison of the temporal and spatial properties of trans-saccadic perceptual recalibration and saccadic adaptation. Journal of Vision. 20: 2
Cassanello CR, Ostendorf F, Rolfs M. (2019) A generative learning model for saccade adaptation. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1006695
Cassanello C, Ostendorf F, Rolfs M. (2017) State-equation learning model for saccade adaptation Journal of Vision. 17: 1142
Cassanello CR, Ohl S, Rolfs M. (2016) Saccadic adaptation to a systematically varying disturbance. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00206.2016
Cassanello C, Ostendorf F, Rolfs M. (2016) Oculomotor entraining and persistent baseline drift in saccadic adaptation to a sinusoidal disturbance Journal of Vision. 16: 379
Cassanello C, Ohl S, Rolfs M. (2014) Saccadic plasticity induced by a periodic disturbance of visual feedback Journal of Vision. 14: 740-740
Edwards M, Cassanello CR, Badcock DR, et al. (2013) Effect of form cues on 1D and 2D motion pooling. Vision Research. 76: 94-104
Edwards M, Greenwood J, Morse A, et al. (2013) Perception of bidirectional transparent-motion requires a bimodal population response Journal of Vision. 13: 973-973
Edwards M, Cassanello CR, Kalia K. (2012) Adaptation state of the local-motion-pooling units determines the nature of the motion aftereffect to transparent motion. Vision Research. 64: 23-5
Cassanello CR, Edwards M, Badcock DR, et al. (2011) No interaction of first- and second-order signals in the extraction of global-motion and optic-flow. Vision Research. 51: 352-61
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