Paul A. Stevenson

University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany 
"Paul Stevenson"
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Balsam JS, Stevenson PA. (2020) Pre-adult aggression and its long-term behavioural consequences in crickets. Plos One. 15: e0230743
Rillich J, Rillich B, Stevenson PA. (2019) Differential modulation of courtship behavior and subsequent aggression by octopamine, dopamine and serotonin in male crickets. Hormones and Behavior
Rillich J, Stevenson PA. (2019) Fight or flee? Lessons from insects on aggression Neuroforum. 25: 3-13
Rillich J, Stevenson PA. (2018) Serotonin Mediates Depression of Aggression After Acute and Chronic Social Defeat Stress in a Model Insect. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 12: 233
Rose J, Rillich J, Stevenson PA. (2017) Chronic social defeat induces long-term behavioral depression of aggressive motivation in an invertebrate model system. Plos One. 12: e0184121
Rillich J, Stevenson PA. (2017) Losing without Fighting - Simple Aversive Stimulation Induces Submissiveness Typical for Social Defeat via the Action of Nitric Oxide, but Only When Preceded by an Aggression Priming Stimulus. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 11: 50
Rose J, Cullen DA, Simpson SJ, et al. (2017) Born to win or bred to lose: aggressive and submissive behavioural profiles in crickets Animal Behaviour. 123: 441-450
Stevenson PA, Rillich J. (2016) Controlling the decision to fight or flee: the roles of biogenic amines and nitric oxide in the cricket. Current Zoology. 62: 265-275
Stevenson PA, Rillich J. (2016) Controlling the decision to fight or flee: The roles of biogenic amines and nitric oxide in the cricket Current Zoology. 62: 265-275
Stevenson PA, Rillich J. (2015) Adding up the odds-Nitric oxide signaling underlies the decision to flee and post-conflict depression of aggression. Science Advances. 1: e1500060
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