Yong Yu

Departmant of Neurosurgery Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai Shi, China 
"Yong Yu"
Mean distance: 15.37 (cluster 6)
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Li YF, Zheng YM, Yu Y, et al. (2018) Inhibitory effects of lappaconitine on the neuronal isoforms of voltage-gated sodium channels. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Zheng YM, Wang WF, Li YF, et al. (2017) Enhancing inactivation rather than reducing activation of Nav1.7 channels by a clinically effective analgesic CNV1014802. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Yu Y, Chen XQ, Cui YY, et al. (2007) Electrophysiological actions of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus on rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 28: 1891-7
Yu Y, Chen XQ, Cui YY, et al. (2007) Calcineurin-independent inhibition of the delayed rectifier K+ current by the immunosuppressant FK506 in rat hippocampal neurons. Brain Research. 1148: 62-8
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