Robert Philip Spunt

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Neural Bases of Behavior Understanding and Mental State Reasoning; Metacognition
"Robert Spunt"
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Matthew Dylan Lieberman grad student 2005-2011 UCLA
 (The Neural Bases of Understanding Expressions of Body and Mind: An Identification-Attribution Model of Mirror and Mentalizing System Contributions to Comprehending Actions and Emotions.)
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Tusche A, Spunt RP, Paul LK, et al. (2023) Neural signatures of social inferences predict the number of real-life social contacts and autism severity. Nature Communications. 14: 4399
Spunt RP, Adolphs R. (2017) A new look at domain specificity: insights from social neuroscience. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience
Spunt RP, Adolphs R. (2017) The Neuroscience of Understanding the Emotions of Others. Neuroscience Letters
Spunt RP, Ellsworth E, Adolphs R. (2016) The Neural Basis of Understanding the Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Spunt RP, Kemmerer D, Adolphs R. (2015) The Neural Basis of Conceptualizing the Same Action at Different Levels of Abstraction. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Scheele D, Schwering C, Elison JT, et al. (2015) A human tendency to anthropomorphize is enhanced by oxytocin. European Neuropsychopharmacology : the Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Spunt RP, Adolphs R. (2015) Folk explanations of behavior: a specialized use of a domain-general mechanism. Psychological Science. 26: 724-36
Spunt RP, Elison JT, Dufour N, et al. (2015) Amygdala lesions do not compromise the cortical network for false-belief reasoning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 4827-32
Spunt RP, Meyer ML, Lieberman MD. (2015) The default mode of human brain function primes the intentional stance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27: 1116-24
Schaafsma SM, Pfaff DW, Spunt RP, et al. (2015) Deconstructing and reconstructing theory of mind. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 19: 65-72
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