Parthasarathy Krishnan

Physiological Science University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
drosophila neurogenetics, behavior
"Parthasarathy Krishnan"
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Obaid Siddiqi research assistant 2000-2002 NCBS
Stuart E. Dryer grad student 2002-2005 University of Houston
 (Co-advisor for thesis research )
Paul E. Hardin grad student 2002-2008 Texas A & M
 (Cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate olfactory rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster.)
Mark A. Frye post-doc 2008-2010 Texas A & M
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Krishnan P, Duistermars BJ, Frye MA. (2011) Odor identity influences tracking of temporally patterned plumes in Drosophila. Bmc Neuroscience. 12: 62
Krishnan P, Chatterjee A, Tanoue S, et al. (2008) Spike amplitude of single-unit responses in antennal sensillae is controlled by the Drosophila circadian clock. Current Biology : Cb. 18: 803-7
Tanoue S, Krishnan P, Chatterjee A, et al. (2008) G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 is required for rhythmic olfactory responses in Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb. 18: 787-94
Fujii S, Krishnan P, Hardin P, et al. (2007) Nocturnal male sex drive in Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb. 17: 244-51
Ge H, Krishnan P, Liu L, et al. (2006) A Drosophila nonvisual arrestin is required for the maintenance of olfactory sensitivity. Chemical Senses. 31: 49-62
Krishnan P, Dryer SE, Hardin PE. (2005) Measuring circadian rhythms in olfaction using electroantennograms. Methods in Enzymology. 393: 495-508
Tanoue S, Krishnan P, Krishnan B, et al. (2004) Circadian clocks in antennal neurons are necessary and sufficient for olfaction rhythms in Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb. 14: 638-49
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