Sergey Victor Fogelson, M.S.
Affiliations: | Psychological and Brain Sciences | Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States |
Cognitive Neuroscience, Object Perception, fMRIGoogle:
"Sergey Fogelson"Mean distance: 14.46 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add mentorPeter Ulric Tse | grad student | 2008-2013 | Dartmouth | |
(Cortical representations of hierarchical category learning.) |
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Frank SM, Maechler MR, Fogelson SV, et al. (2023) Hierarchical categorization learning is associated with representational changes in the dorsal striatum and posterior frontal and parietal cortex. Human Brain Mapping |
Sievers B, Parkinson C, Kohler PJ, et al. (2021) Visual and auditory brain areas share a representational structure that supports emotion perception. Current Biology : Cb |
Schlegel A, Alexander P, Fogelson SV, et al. (2015) The artist emerges: visual art learning alters neural structure and function. Neuroimage. 105: 440-51 |
Fogelson SV, Kohler PJ, Miller KJ, et al. (2014) Unconscious neural processing differs with method used to render stimuli invisible. Frontiers in Psychology. 5: 601 |
Schlegel A, Kohler PJ, Fogelson SV, et al. (2013) Network structure and dynamics of the mental workspace. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 16277-82 |
Kohler PJ, Fogelson SV, Reavis EA, et al. (2013) Pattern classification precedes region-average hemodynamic response in early visual cortex. Neuroimage. 78: 249-60 |
Schlegel A, Kohler PJ, Fogelson S, et al. (2012) Simple and constructive visual mental imagery are behaviorally and neurally separable F1000research. 3 |
Schlegel A, Fogelson S, Li X, et al. (2012) Visual art training in young adults changes neural circuitry in visual and motor areas F1000research. 12: 1129-1129 |
Kohler PJ, Caplovitz GP, Fogelson SV, et al. (2012) Neural correlates of perceptually bistable motion-based grouping. Journal of Vision. 12: 938-938 |
Fogelson S, Miller K, Kohler P, et al. (2012) Equally invisible but neurally unequal: Cortical responses to invisible objects differ as a function of presentation method Journal of Vision. 12: 815-815 |