Sara L. Dolan
Affiliations: | Psychology and Neuroscience | Baylor University, Waco, TX |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Sara Dolan"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeAlexis M. Humenik | grad student | 2016- | |
Anthony N. Giardina | grad student | 2012 | Baylor University |
Sean P. McGowan | grad student | 2012 | Baylor University |
Laura R. Sejud | grad student | 2013 | Baylor University |
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Humenik AM, Shivaji S, Dolan SL. (2020) Investigating Mental Health Implications for Drug Court Participants. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 306624X20928031 |
Russell LH, Bardeen JR, Clayson KA, et al. (2020) The closed response style and posttraumatic stress: Examining the interaction between experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion among women experiencing sexual trauma. Psychological Trauma : Theory, Research, Practice and Policy |
Breuninger MM, Grosso JA, Hunter W, et al. (2020) Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder: Integration of Alcoholics Anonymous and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training and Education in Professional Psychology. 14: 19-26 |
Humenik AM, Grounds ZK, Mayer HM, et al. (2020) A systematic review of executive cognitive function in intimate partner violent offenders Aggression and Violent Behavior. 54: 101407 |
Humenik AM, Sherrill BN, Kantor RM, et al. (2019) Using the PAI-A to Classify Juvenile Offenders by Adjudicated Offenses. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 12: 469-477 |
Layman PG, Sanford K, Myers DR, et al. (2019) Intimate partner cohesion and military unit cohesion: Different types of interpersonal relationships each uniquely predict soldier well-being Military Psychology. 31: 178-186 |
Fergus TA, Clayson KA, Dolan SL. (2018) Metacognitive Beliefs Predict Greater Mental Contamination Severity After an Evoking Source. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1784 |
Clayson KA, Bardeen JR, Dolan SL, et al. (2018) Executive attention moderates the effect of trait anxiety on hyperarousal symptoms. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. 1-11 |
Greenberg LP, Martindale SL, Fils-Aimé LR, et al. (2016) Distress Tolerance and Impulsivity Are Associated With Drug and Alcohol Use Consequences in an Online Community Sample. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. 30: 50-59 |
Martindale SL, Morissette SB, Rowland JA, et al. (2016) Sleep Quality Affects Cognitive Functioning in Returning Combat Veterans Beyond Combat Exposure, PTSD, and Mild TBI History. Neuropsychology |