Adriana Migliaro

Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay 
Computational neuroscience, perception, electrolocation
"Adriana Migliaro"
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Cross-listing: Computational Biology Tree

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Migliaro A, Moreno V, Marchal P, et al. (2018) Daily changes in the electric behavior of weakly electric fish in nature persist in constant darkness and are socially synchronized. Biology Open
Migliaro A, Silva A. (2016) Melatonin Regulates Daily Variations in Electric Behavior Arousal in Two Species of Weakly Electric Fish with Different Social Structures. Brain, Behavior and Evolution
Perrone R, Migliaro A, Comas V, et al. (2014) Local vasotocin modulation of the pacemaker nucleus resembles distinct electric behaviors in two species of weakly electric fish. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 108: 203-12
Sanguinetti-Scheck JI, Pedraja EF, Cilleruelo E, et al. (2011) Fish geometry and electric organ discharge determine functional organization of the electrosensory epithelium. Plos One. 6: e27470
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