Haroon Anwar

University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, Belgium 
"Haroon Anwar"
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Anwar H. (2016) Capturing intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics in computational models of neurodegenerative diseases. Drug Discovery Today. Disease Models. 19: 37-42
Anwar H, Roome CJ, Nedelescu H, et al. (2014) Dendritic diameters affect the spatial variability of intracellular calcium dynamics in computer models. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 8: 168
Anwar H, Hepburn I, Nedelescu H, et al. (2013) Stochastic calcium mechanisms cause dendritic calcium spike variability. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 15848-67
Anwar H, Hong S, De Schutter E. (2012) Controlling Ca2+-activated K+ channels with models of Ca2+ buffering in Purkinje cells. Cerebellum (London, England). 11: 681-93
Anwar H, Hepburn I, De Schutter E. (2012) A computational study of stochastic mechanisms in dendritic calcium spike generation Bmc Neuroscience. 13
Anwar H, De Schutter E. (2011) Compensating the effect of dendritic diameters on calcium transients: a modeling study Bmc Neuroscience. 12
Anwar H, Hong S, De Schutter E. (2010) Generating dendritic Ca2+ spikes with different models of Ca2+ buffering in cerebellar Purkinje cells Bmc Neuroscience. 11
Anwar H, Hong S, De Schutter E. (2009) Modeling the excitability of the cerebellar Purkinje cell with detailed calcium dynamics Bmc Neuroscience. 10
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