Christoph von der Malsburg

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Fijaš, Slovakia 
Neurobiology, Neural Networks, self-organization
"Christoph von der Malsburg"
Mean distance: 12.35 (cluster 29)


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Urs Bergmann grad student FIAS
Jörg Bornschein grad student FIAS
Peter Kalocsai grad student Pelco Co.
Christian Keck grad student FIAS
Ladan Shams grad student USC
Jochen Triesch grad student Ruhr Universitat Bochum; University of Southern California
Laurenz Wiskott grad student HU Berlin
Rolf P. Würtz grad student 1990-1994 Institut für Neuroinformatik
Hartmut Neven grad student 1996 Ruhr University–Bochum, Germany (Computer Science Tree)
Hai Hong grad student 2001 USC
Kazunori Okada grad student 2001 USC
Junmei Zhu grad student 2004 USC
Xiangyu Tang grad student 2005 USC
Philipp Wolfrum grad student 2005-2008 FIAS
Lawrence M. Kite grad student 2009 USC
Jenia (Evgueni) Jitsev grad student 2007-2010 FIAS
Junmei Zhu post-doc FIAS
René Doursat post-doc 1991-1994 Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Yasuomi Daishin Sato post-doc 2005-2009 FIAS
Michael Lyons research scientist USC
Rolf P. Würtz research scientist 1997-2006 Institut für Neuroinformatik


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Wolf Singer collaborator FIAS
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Margalit E, Biederman I, Herald SB, et al. (2016) An applet for the Gabor similarity scaling of the differences between complex stimuli. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Bergmann U, von der Malsburg C. (2011) Self-organization of topographic bilinear networks for invariant recognition. Neural Computation. 23: 2770-97
Sato YD, Jitsev J, Bornschein J, et al. (2011) A Gabor wavelet pyramid-based object detection algorithm Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6676: 232-240
Sato YD, Jitsev J, Burwick T, et al. (2010) Dynamic link models for global decision making with binding-by-synchrony Proceedings - 2010 2nd World Congress On Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, Nabic 2010. 201-208
Jitsev J, Von Der Malsburg C. (2010) Off-line memory reprocessing following on-line unsupervised learning strongly improves recognition performance in a hierarchical visual memory Proceedings of the International Joint Conference On Neural Networks
Sato YD, Jitsev J, Von Der Malsburg C. (2010) Visual object detection by specifying the scale and rotation transformations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6444: 616-624
Bergmann U, Von Der Malsburg C. (2010) A bilinear model for consistent topographic representations Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6354: 72-81
Zhu J, Bergmann U, Von Der Malsburg C. (2010) Self-organization of steerable topographic mappings as basis for translation invariance Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 6353: 414-419
Jitsev J, von der Malsburg C. (2009) Experience-driven formation of parts-based representations in a model of layered visual memory. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 3: 15
Zhu J, von der Malsburg C. (2009) Steps toward numerical mode analysis of organizing systems. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 59: 359-76
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