Elodie Bruel-Jungerman

University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
"Elodie Bruel-Jungerman"
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Belvindrah R, Natarajan K, Shabajee P, et al. (2017) Mutation of the α-tubulin Tuba1a leads to straighter microtubules and perturbs neuronal migration. The Journal of Cell Biology
Dhaliwal J, Xi Y, Bruel-Jungerman E, et al. (2015) Doublecortin (DCX) is not Essential for Survival and Differentiation of Newborn Neurons in the Adult Mouse Dentate Gyrus. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 9: 494
Saillour Y, Broix L, Bruel-Jungerman E, et al. (2014) Beta tubulin isoforms are not interchangeable for rescuing impaired radial migration due to Tubb3 knockdown. Human Molecular Genetics. 23: 1516-26
Germain J, Bruel-Jungerman E, Grannec G, et al. (2013) Doublecortin knockout mice show normal hippocampal-dependent memory despite CA3 lamination defects. Plos One. 8: e74992
Khalaf-Nazzal R, Bruel-Jungerman E, Rio JP, et al. (2013) Organelle and cellular abnormalities associated with hippocampal heterotopia in neonatal doublecortin knockout mice. Plos One. 8: e72622
Benraiss A, Toner MJ, Xu Q, et al. (2013) Sustained mobilization of endogenous neural progenitors delays disease progression in a transgenic model of Huntington's disease. Cell Stem Cell. 12: 787-99
Veyrac A, Gros A, Bruel-Jungerman E, et al. (2013) Zif268/egr1 gene controls the selection, maturation and functional integration of adult hippocampal newborn neurons by learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 7062-7
Bazelot M, Simonnet J, Dinocourt C, et al. (2012) Cellular anatomy, physiology and epileptiform activity in the CA3 region of Dcx knockout mice: a neuronal lamination defect and its consequences. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 35: 244-56
Benraiss A, Bruel-Jungerman E, Lu G, et al. (2012) Sustained induction of neuronal addition to the adult rat neostriatum by AAV4-delivered noggin and BDNF. Gene Therapy. 19: 483-93
Bruel-Jungerman E, Lucassen PJ, Francis F. (2011) Cholinergic influences on cortical development and adult neurogenesis. Behavioural Brain Research. 221: 379-88
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