Eric M. Lamberg

Physical Therapy Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States 
respiratory control
"Eric Lamberg"
Mean distance: 17.1 (cluster 22)


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Andrew M. Gordon grad student 1999-2005 Teachers College, Columbia University
 (Respiratory alterations during discrete lifting.)
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Greco JL, Lamberg EM, McKenna RF, et al. (2018) Trends in availability and usage of biophysical agents among physical therapists in the United States Physical Therapy Reviews. 23: 116-123
McIsaac TL, Lamberg EM, Muratori LM. (2015) Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy. Biomed Research International. 2015: 591475
McIsaac TL, Lamberg EM, Muratori LM. (2015) Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy Biomed Research International. 2015
DiFrancisco-Donoghue J, Rabin E, Lamberg EM, et al. (2014) Effects of Tyrosine on Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. 1: 348-353
Lamberg EM, Hagins M. (2014) Breath control during a tiptoe task. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 30: 178-82
Lamberg EM, Muratori LM, Streb R, et al. (2014) Harness-supported versus conventional treadmill training for people with lower-limb amputation: A preliminary report Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 26: 93-98
Muratori LM, Lamberg EM, Quinn L, et al. (2013) Applying principles of motor learning and control to upper extremity rehabilitation. Journal of Hand Therapy : Official Journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists. 26: 94-102; quiz 103
Lamberg EM, Collins CK, Hanks JE, et al. (2013) Management of proximal femoral focal deficiency with limited resources in Haiti. Prosthetics and Orthotics International. 37: 58-64
Lamberg EM, Hagins M. (2012) The effects of low back pain on natural breath control during a lowering task. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112: 3519-24
DiFrancisco-Donoghue J, Lamberg EM, Rabin E, et al. (2012) Effects of exercise and B vitamins on homocysteine and glutathione in Parkinson's disease: a randomized trial. Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. 10: 127-34
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