Lambert RB Schomaker, PhD

Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Engineering University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands 
EMG analysis facial muscles, computational neuroscience, motor control, neural networks
"Lambert Schomaker"
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Sheng He grad student 2013- RUG
Gert Kootstra grad student 2005-2010 RUG
Tijn van der Zant grad student 2005-2010 RUG
Hado van Hasselt grad student 2007-2011 Utrecht
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He S, Schomaker L. (2020) FragNet: Writer Identification Using Deep Fragment Networks Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 15: 3013-3022
Dhali MA, Jansen CN, Wit JWd, et al. (2020) Feature-extraction methods for historical manuscript dating based on writing style development Pattern Recognition Letters. 131: 413-420
He S, Schomaker L. (2019) DeepOtsu: Document enhancement and binarization using iterative deep learning Pattern Recognition. 91: 379-390
He S, Schomaker L. (2019) Deep adaptive learning for writer identification based on single handwritten word images Pattern Recognition. 88: 64-74
Sriman B, Schomaker L. (2019) Multi-script text versus non-text classification of regions in scene images Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 62: 23-42
Okafor E, Schomaker L, Wiering MA. (2018) An analysis of rotation matrix and colour constancy data augmentation in classifying images of animals Journal of Information and Telecommunication. 2: 465-491
Weber A, Ameryan M, Wolstencroft K, et al. (2018) Towards a Digital Infrastructure for Illustrated Handwritten Archives Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 10605: 155-166
He S, Schomaker L. (2017) Writer identification using curvature-free features Pattern Recognition. 63: 451-464
He S, Schomaker L. (2017) Beyond OCR: Multi-faceted understanding of handwritten document characteristics Pattern Recognition. 63: 321-333
He S, Samara P, Burgers J, et al. (2016) A Multiple-Label Guided Clustering Algorithm for Historical Document Dating and Localization. Ieee Transactions On Image Processing : a Publication of the Ieee Signal Processing Society
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