Alex Burmester

2018- CNU Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria, Australia 
perception, memory, cognitive impairment
"Alex Burmester"
Mean distance: 15.44 (cluster 23)
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Burmester A, Fougnie D. (2016) The sum is no more than its parts: No evidence for bound features during multi-feature visual change detection Journal of Vision. 16: 1068
Burmester A, Wallis G. (2012) Contrasting predictions of low- and high-threshold models for the detection of changing visual features. Perception. 41: 505-16
Burmester A, Wallis G. (2011) Thresholds for the detection of changing visual features. Perception. 40: 409-21
Burmester A, Wallis G. (2011) Flexible resource allocation for the detection of changing visual features. Perception. 40: 299-316
Burmester A, Broerse J. (2010) Adaptation to combinations of form, colour, and movement. Perception. 39: 620-6
Burmester A, Wallis G. (2010) Capacity limits for the detection of changing visual features Journal of Vision. 6: 58-58
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