Jason G. Craggs

Clinical and Health Psychology University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Pain, fMRI, windup, placebo, sleep
"Jason Craggs"
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Curtis AF, Nair N, Hayse B, et al. (2023) Preliminary investigation of the interactive role of physiological arousal and insomnia complaints in gray matter volume alterations in chronic widespread pain. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
McCrae CS, Craggs JG, Curtis AF, et al. (2021) Neural activation changes in response to pain following cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with comorbid fibromyalgia and insomnia: a pilot study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
McCrae CS, Curtis AF, Craggs J, et al. (2020) Protocol for the impact of CBT for insomnia on pain symptoms and central sensitisation in fibromyalgia: a randomised controlled trial. Bmj Open. 10: e033760
McCrae C, Craggs J, Curtis A, et al. (2020) 0077 Objective Sleep and Neural Response to Thermal Pain Testing Following Cognitive Behavioral Treatment in Patients with Comorbid Insomnia and Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study Sleep. 43: A31-A31
McCrae CS, Mundt JM, Curtis AF, et al. (2018) Gray Matter Changes Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients With Comorbid Fibromyalgia and Insomnia: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine
Yeung EW, Craggs JG, Gizer IR. (2017) Comorbidity of Alcohol Use Disorder and Chronic Pain: Genetic Influences on Brain Reward and Stress Systems. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Boland K, Smith A, Weber J, et al. (2017) (367) Resting State Differences Following Mood Induction in Chronic Pain The Journal of Pain. 18: S66
Johnson M, Weber J, McCrae C, et al. (2017) (397) The Catch 22 of insomnia and chronic pain: Exploring how insomnia and sleep impact the neural correlates of chronic pain The Journal of Pain. 18: S73-S74
Smith A, Weber J, Boland K, et al. (2017) (327) Alterations in mood are associated with dysfunctional effective connectivity in the default mode network (DMN), reward and memory related brain regions in a chronic pain population The Journal of Pain. 18: S56-S57
Boissoneault J, Vatthauer K, O'Shea A, et al. (2016) Low-to-Moderate Alcohol Consumption is Associated With Hippocampal Volume in Fibromyalgia and Insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 1-13
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