Cathy Dean

"Cathy Dean"
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Crosbie J, Alhusaini AA, Dean CM, et al. (2012) Plantarflexor muscle and spatiotemporal gait characteristics of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: an observational study. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 15: 114-8
Alhusaini AA, Crosbie J, Shepherd RB, et al. (2011) No change in calf muscle passive stiffness after botulinum toxin injection in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 53: 553-8
Alhusaini AA, Dean CM, Crosbie J, et al. (2010) Evaluation of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy using Ashworth and Tardieu Scales compared with laboratory measures. Journal of Child Neurology. 25: 1242-7
Alhusaini AA, Crosbie J, Shepherd RB, et al. (2010) Mechanical properties of the plantarflexor musculotendinous unit during passive dorsiflexion in children with cerebral palsy compared with typically developing children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 52: e101-6
Dean CM, Channon EF, Hall JM. (2007) Sitting training early after stroke improves sitting ability and quality and carries over to standing up but not to walking: a randomised trial. The Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 53: 97-102
Thielman GT, Dean CM, Gentile AM. (2004) Rehabilitation of reaching after stroke: task-related training versus progressive resistive exercise. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 85: 1613-8
Bassile CC, Dean C, Boden-Albala B, et al. (2003) Obstacle training programme for individuals post stroke: Feasibility study Clinical Rehabilitation. 17: 130-136
Blundell SW, Shepherd RB, Dean CM, et al. (2003) Functional strength training in cerebral palsy: a pilot study of a group circuit training class for children aged 4-8 years. Clinical Rehabilitation. 17: 48-57
Dean CM, Richards CL, Malouin F. (2000) Task-related circuit training improves performance of locomotor tasks in chronic stroke: a randomized, controlled pilot trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 81: 409-17
Dean CM, Shepherd RB, Adams RD. (1999) Sitting balance II: reach direction and thigh support affect the contribution of the lower limbs when reaching beyond arm's length in sitting. Gait & Posture. 10: 147-53
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