John Edward Sparrow
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of New Hampshire, Manchester, Manchester, NH, United States |
"John Sparrow"Mean distance: 17.56 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Sparrow JE, LaBarre JA, Sargent Merrill B. (2017) Individual Differences in Motion-Induced Blindness: The Effects of Mask Coherence and Depth Ordering. Vision Research |
Peterzell D, labarre J, Sparrow J. (2017) Individual differences in motion induced blindness: Small-sample factor analysis of stereoscopic depth and mask coherence data reveals separate processes for frequency and duration of blindness episodes Journal of Vision. 17: 48 |
Wells ET, Leber AB, Sparrow JE. (2011) The role of mask coherence in motion-induced blindness. Perception. 40: 1503-18 |
Sparrow JE, Stine WW. (1998) The perceived rigidity of rotating eight-vertex geometric forms: extracting nonrigid structure from rigid motion. Vision Research. 38: 541-56 |
Stine WW, Sparrow JE. (1989) Influence theory for color constancy models Color Research & Application. 14: 86-95 |