Richard S. Hetley

Psychology University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
"Richard Hetley"
Mean distance: 16.88 (cluster 23)
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William Wren Stine grad student 2003-2008 UNH
 (The Venetian blind effect, binocular luster, and binocular rivalry.)
Barbara Anne Dosher post-doc 2008- UC Irvine
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Hetley RS, Stine WW. (2019) At least two distinct mechanisms control binocular luster, rivalry, and perceived rotation with contrast and average luminance disparities. Plos One. 14: e0215716
Hetley R, Dosher BA, Lu ZL. (2014) Generating a taxonomy of spatially cued attention for visual discrimination: effects of judgment precision and set size on attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 76: 2286-304
Hetley RS, Dosher BA, Lu Z. (2013) Parallel Processing in Difficult Visual Search in both Noisy and Noiseless Displays Journal of Vision. 13: 691-691
Hetley RS, Dosher BA, Lu Z. (2012) Stronger Inhibition of Return Revealed for Identification Accuracy in the Presence of High External Noise Journal of Vision. 12: 386-386
Hetley RS, Stine WW. (2011) Partitioning contrast or luminance disparity into perceived intensity and rotation. Seeing and Perceiving. 24: 315-50
Hetley RS, Dosher BA, Lu Z. (2011) Importance of Spatial Cuing of Attention in High Precision Judgments Journal of Vision. 11: 222-222
Hetley R, Dosher B, Lu Z. (2010) Attention and Uncertainty Limit Visual Search in Noisy Conditions Journal of Vision. 10: 227-227
Cobo-Lewis AB, Hetley RS. (2004) Unequal contrast drives perceived direction past vector-sum direction in Type 2 plaids Journal of Vision. 4: 856-856
Stine WW, Hetley RS, Hallmark J, et al. (2004) The Venetian blind effect and Fechner's paradox: Partitioning luminance and contrast disparity information with square-wave gratings into perceived bar rotation and perceived luminance and contrast Perception. 33: 0-0
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