Richard Jagacinski
Affiliations: | Psychology | Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH |
"Richard Jagacinski"Mean distance: 17.51 (cluster 21) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: PsychTree
Sign in to add traineeJohn M. Flach | grad student | Wright State University | |
Alex C. Kirlik | grad student | Ohio State (E-Tree) | |
Keiko Yamakawa | grad student | 2002 | Ohio State |
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Flach JM, Bennett KB, Woods DD, et al. (2015) Interface design: A control theoretic context for a triadic meaning processing approach The Cambridge Handbook of Applied Perception Research. 647-668 |
Hancock PA, Jagacinski RJ, Parasuraman R, et al. (2013) Human-automation interaction research: Past, present, and future Ergonomics in Design. 21: 9-14 |
Kaber D, Hancock P, Jagacinski R, et al. (2011) Pioneers in Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making research - Foundational contributions to the science of Human-Automation Interaction Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 321-325 |
Jagacinski RJ, Flach JM, Gilson RD. (1983) A Comparison of Visual and Kinesthetic—Tactual Displays for Compensatory Tracking Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 1103-1112 |
Jagacinski RJ, Flach JM, Gilson RD, et al. (1982) PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF A KINESTHETIC-TACTUAL DISPLAY Nasa Conference Publication. 145-150 |
Pew RW, Jagacinski RJ. (1971) MAPPING AN OPERATOR'S PERCEPTION OF A PARAMETER SPACE Nasa Spec Publ. 201-206 |