Michel Partiseti
Affiliations: | Synthelabo, New York, NY, United States |
"Michel Partiseti"Mean distance: 17.19 (cluster 32) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Sanson C, Boukaiba R, Houtmann S, et al. (2022) The grapefruit polyphenol naringenin inhibits multiple cardiac ion channels. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology |
Sanson C, Schombert B, Filoche-Rommé B, et al. (2019) Electrophysiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Human Inwardly Rectifying K2.1 Channels on an Automated Patch-Clamp Platform. Assay and Drug Development Technologies |
Gonçalves TC, Boukaiba R, Molgó J, et al. (2018) Direct evidence for high affinity blockade of Na1.6 channel subtype by huwentoxin-IV spider peptide, using multiscale functional approaches. Neuropharmacology |
Houtmann S, Schombert B, Sanson C, et al. (2017) Automated Patch-Clamp Methods for the hERG Cardiac Potassium Channel. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1641: 187-199 |
Renard S, Drouet-Pétré C, Partiseti M, et al. (1999) Development of an inducible NMDA receptor stable cell line with an intracellular Ca2+ reporter. European Journal of Pharmacology. 366: 319-28 |
Drakopoulou E, Cotton J, Virelizier H, et al. (1995) Chemical synthesis, structural and functional characterisation of noxiustoxin, a powerful blocker of lymphocyte voltage-dependent K+ channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 213: 901-7 |
Le Deist F, Hivroz C, Partiseti M, et al. (1995) T cell activation deficiencies. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology. 76: S163-4 |
Le Deist F, Hivroz C, Partiseti M, et al. (1995) A primary T-cell immunodeficiency associated with defective transmembrane calcium influx. Blood. 85: 1053-62 |
Partiseti M, Le Deist F, Hivroz C, et al. (1994) Defective transmembrane calcium influx demonstrated in a primary immunodeficiency by video-imaging. Comptes Rendus De L'Acadã©Mie Des Sciences. Sã©Rie Iii, Sciences De La Vie. 317: 167-73 |
Choquet D, Partiseti M. (1994) [Ion channels in B lymphocytes]. Pathologie-Biologie. 42: 279-85 |