Pasquale A. Cancilla, MD

Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
"Pasquale Cancilla"

1996 Award for Meritorious Contributions to Neuropathology
1988 AANP President

Solon, IA 52333-9590
United States

Mean distance: 24.15 (cluster 24)
Cross-listing: Neuropathology Tree

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Estrada C, Bready J, Berliner J, et al. (1990) Choline uptake by cerebral capillary endothelial cells in culture. Journal of Neurochemistry. 54: 1467-73
Estrada C, Bready JV, Berliner JA, et al. (1990) Astrocyte growth stimulation by a soluble factor produced by cerebral endothelial cells in vitro. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 49: 539-49
Maxwell K, Berliner JA, Cancilla PA. (1989) Stimulation of glucose analogue uptake by cerebral microvessel endothelial cells by a product released by astrocytes. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 48: 69-80
Maxwell K, Berliner JA, Cancilla PA. (1987) Induction of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase in cultured cerebral endothelial cells by a product released by astrocytes. Brain Research. 410: 309-14
Anders K, Steinsapir KD, Iverson DJ, et al. (1986) Neuropathologic findings in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Clinical Neuropathology. 5: 1-20
Maxwell K, Vinters HV, Berliner JA, et al. (1986) Effect of inorganic lead on some functions of the cerebral microvessel endothelium. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 84: 389-99
McArdle JE, Dwan P, Cancilla PA, et al. (1986) Arteriovenous malformation and multiple anomalies of the circle of Willis. Bulletin of Clinical Neurosciences. 51: 47-51
Pardridge WM, Oldendorf WH, Cancilla P, et al. (1986) Blood-brain barrier: interface between internal medicine and the brain. Annals of Internal Medicine. 105: 82-95
Vinters HV, Berliner JA, Beck DW, et al. (1985) Insulin stimulates DNA synthesis in cerebral microvessel endothelium and smooth muscle. Diabetes. 34: 964-9
Vinters HV, Beck DW, Bready JV, et al. (1985) Uptake of glucose analogues into cultured cerebral microvessel endothelium. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 44: 445-58
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