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Arthur P. Hays, MD

Pathology Columbia University, New York, NY 
"Arthur Hays"

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Cross-listing: Neuropathology Tree

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Shin JY, Méndez-López I, Wang Y, et al. (2013) Lamina-associated polypeptide-1 interacts with the muscular dystrophy protein emerin and is essential for skeletal muscle maintenance. Developmental Cell. 26: 591-603
Ash DB, Papadimitriou D, Hays AP, et al. (2012) A novel mutation in PNPLA2 leading to neutral lipid storage disease with myopathy. Archives of Neurology. 69: 1190-2
Rong L, Yan S, Hays A, et al. (2012) RAGE-Dependent Signaling in Peripheral Neurons and Macrophages Regulates Peripheral Nerve Repair (IN1-2.004) Neurology. 78
Hays AP. (2010) Utility of skin biopsy to evaluate peripheral neuropathy. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. 10: 101-7
Souayah N, Ajroud-Driss S, Sander HW, et al. (2009) Small fiber neuropathy following vaccination for rabies, varicella or Lyme disease. Vaccine. 27: 7322-5
Ostlund C, Guan T, Figlewicz DA, et al. (2009) Reduction of a 4q35-encoded nuclear envelope protein in muscle differentiation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 389: 279-83
Chen IH, Mitsumoto H, Vonsattel JP, et al. (2009) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and neurosarcoidosis: a case report. Muscle & Nerve. 39: 234-8
Hirano M, Angelini C, Montagna P, et al. (2008) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with ragged-red fibers. Archives of Neurology. 65: 403-6
Quinzii CM, Vu TH, Min KC, et al. (2008) X-linked dominant scapuloperoneal myopathy is due to a mutation in the gene encoding four-and-a-half-LIM protein 1. American Journal of Human Genetics. 82: 208-13
Mitsumoto H, Ulug AM, Pullman SL, et al. (2007) Quantitative objective markers for upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction in ALS. Neurology. 68: 1402-10
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