Michael Bull
Affiliations: | Media and Film | University of Sussex, Falmer, England, United Kingdom |
Mobile comminication technologies and their use, Music and sound in urban culture. New directions in Critical Theory (The Frankfurt School), sensory experience and methodologies.Website:
"Michael Bull"Mean distance: 18.21 | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: STSTree - SocTree
Sign in to add traineeDavid M. Berry | grad student | 2002-2007 | University of Sussex (STSTree) |
Sign in to add collaboratorCaroline Bassett | collaborator | University of Sussex (STSTree) |
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Bull M. (2010) iPod : un mundo sonoro personalizado para sus consumidores Comunicar. 17: 55-63 |
Bull M. (2006) Iconic designs: the Apple iPod The Senses and Society. 1: 105-108 |
Bull M. (2005) No Dead Air! The iPod and the Culture of Mobile Listening Leisure Studies. 24: 343-355 |
Bull M. (2004) Automobility and the Power of Sound Theory, Culture & Society. 21: 243-259 |
Bull M. (2004) Sound connections: an aural epistemology of proximity and distance in urban culture Environment and Planning D-Society & Space. 22: 103-116 |
Bull M. (2002) The seduction of sound in consumer culture: investigating walkman desires Journal of Consumer Culture. 2: 81-101 |
Bull M. (2001) The World According to Sound Investigating the World of Walkman Users New Media & Society. 3: 179-197 |