Michael R. Akins, PhD

Biology Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
synapse formation, Fragile X
"Michael Akins"
Mean distance: 14.46 (cluster 11)


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Joe Tsien research assistant 1998-1999 Princeton
 (Undergraduate Research)
Charles A. Greer grad student 2000-2005 Yale
 (Cell adhesion in the developing mouse olfactory system.)
Thomas Biederer post-doc 2005-2007 Yale
Justin R. Fallon post-doc 2007-2012 Brown


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Katherine A Shepard research assistant 2013- Drexel
Ellen C Gingrich research assistant 2014-2016 Drexel


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A. Denise R. Garcia collaborator 2013- Drexel
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Eck SR, Xu SJ, Telenson A, et al. (2020) Stress Regulation of Sustained Attention and the Cholinergic Attention System. Biological Psychiatry
Shepard KA, Korsak LIT, DeBartolo D, et al. (2019) Axonal localization of the Fragile X family of RNA binding proteins is conserved across mammals. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Stackpole EE, Akins MR, Ivshina M, et al. (2019) EGFP insertional mutagenesis reveals multiple FXR2P fibrillar states with differing ribosome association in neurons. Biology Open. 8
Chyung E, LeBlanc HF, Fallon JR, et al. (2017) Fragile X granules are a family of axonal ribonucleoprotein particles with circuit-dependent protein composition and mRNA cargos. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Korsak LI, Shepard KA, Akins MR. (2017) Cell type-dependent axonal localization of translational regulators and mRNA in mouse peripheral olfactory neurons. The Journal of Comparative Neurology
Akins MR, Berk-Rauch HE, Kwan KY, et al. (2017) Axonal ribosomes and mRNAs associate with fragile X granules in adult rodent and human brains. Human Molecular Genetics
Korsak LI, Mitchell ME, Shepard KA, et al. (2016) Regulation of neuronal gene expression by local axonal translation. Current Genetic Medicine Reports. 4: 16-25
Zimmer SE, Doll SG, Garcia AD, et al. (2016) Splice form-dependent regulation of axonal arbor complexity by FMRP. Developmental Neurobiology
Schweizer Burguete A, Almeida S, Gao FB, et al. (2015) GGGGCC microsatellite RNA is neuritically localized, induces branching defects, and perturbs transport granule function. Elife. 4
Crenshaw E, Leung BP, Kwok CK, et al. (2015) Amyloid Precursor Protein Translation Is Regulated by a 3'UTR Guanine Quadruplex. Plos One. 10: e0143160
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