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Michael E. Greenberg

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 
Neuronal Transcription & Translation, Plasticity, Development, Synapse
"Michael Greenberg"
Mean distance: 12.21 (cluster 11)


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Raghu Kiran Appasani research assistant Children's Hospital Boston / Harvard Medical School
Lora B. Sweeney research assistant
Jessica Lauren Hauser research assistant 2005-2007 Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
Daniel  M. Bear research assistant 2007-2010 Harvard
Asa Barth-Maron research assistant 2012-2014 Harvard Medical School
Jeremy E. Bazinet research assistant 2011-2015 Harvard Medical School
Caitlin Gilbert research assistant 2013-2015 Harvard Medical School
Kevin Juneos Mei Le research assistant 2017-2019 Harvard Medical School
Seth J. Field grad student Harvard Medical School (Cell Biology Tree)
Ee-Lynn Yap grad student 2014- Harvard Medical School
Daniel Gilliam grad student 2017- Harvard Medical School
Tess Whitwam grad student 2018- Harvard
Morgan Sheng grad student 1986-1990 Harvard Medical School
Azad Bonni grad student 1991-1999 Harvard Medical School
Adam J. Shaywitz grad student 2002 Harvard
Mari A. Takasu grad student 2002 Harvard
Michael Z. Lin grad student 1996-2002 Harvard
Mireya F. Nadal-Vicens grad student 2003 Harvard
Elizabeth A. Nigh grad student 2003 Harvard
Hien Thanh Tran grad student 2004 Harvard
Sandeep Robert Datta grad student 1995-2004 Harvard
Jay B. Bikoff grad student 2007 Harvard
Dana B. Harrar grad student 2007 Harvard
Yu Raymond Shao grad student 2007 Harvard
Paul L. Greer grad student 2002-2008 Harvard
Elizabeth J. Hong grad student 2009 Harvard
Steven W. Flavell grad student 2002-2009 Harvard
Sonia Cohen grad student 2011 Harvard
Michael J. Soskis grad student 2012 Harvard
John Salogiannis grad student 2013 Harvard
Athar N. Malik grad student 2007-2013 Harvard Medical School
Alan R. Mardinly grad student 2007-2013 Harvard
Milena M. Andzelm grad student 2014 Harvard
Emi Ling grad student 2011-2018 Harvard Medical School
Aurel Nagy grad student 2013-2018 Harvard Medical School (Chemistry Tree)
Christopher P. Tzeng grad student 2012-2019 Harvard Medical School
Anne Brunet post-doc Harvard Medical School
Amelia Chang post-doc
Onur Dagliyan post-doc Harvard Medical School
Ricardo E. Dolmetsch post-doc Harvard Medical School
Harrison W. Gabel post-doc Harvard Medical School
David D. Ginty post-doc Harvard Medical School
Yukiko Gotoh post-doc
Yingxi Lin post-doc Harvard Medical School
Yong-Chao Ma post-doc Northwestern
Seth Shatkin Margolis post-doc Harvard Medical School
Suzanne Paradis post-doc Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital
Sarah E. Ross post-doc University of Pittsburgh
Sarah E. Ross post-doc
Mustafa Sahin post-doc Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Ivo Spiegel post-doc Weizmann Institute (Cell Biology Tree)
Yi Eve Sun post-doc Harvard Medical School
Zhaolan (Joe) Zhou post-doc Harvard Medical School
Hsi-Wen Rock Liao post-doc 2007- The Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School
Bulent Ataman post-doc 2009- Harvard Medical School
Gabriella L. Boulting post-doc 2012- Harvard Medical School
William Renthal post-doc 2014- Harvard Medical School
Christopher P Davis post-doc 2018- Harvard Medical School
Hilmar Bading post-doc 1989-1993 Harvard Medical School
Anirvan Ghosh post-doc 1991-1995 Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Frédéric Saudou post-doc 1996-1999 Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital
Matthew Dalva post-doc 1996-2002 Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Anne E. West post-doc 1998-2005 Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Christopher W. Cowan post-doc 1999-2005 Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital Boston
Kimberley Tolias post-doc 2000-2006 Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Tae-Kyung Kim post-doc 2002-2009 Harvard Medical School
Brenda L. Bloodgood post-doc 2007-2012 Harvard Medical School
Timothy J. Cherry post-doc 2010-2016 Harvard Medical School
Alexi Choueiri research scientist Harvard Medical School
Eric C Griffith research scientist
BETA: Related publications


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Nagy MA, Price S, Wang K, et al. (2024) Cis-regulatory elements driving motor neuron-selective viral payload expression within the mammalian spinal cord. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2418024121
Nagy MA, Price S, Wang K, et al. (2024) Cis-regulatory elements driving motor neuron-restricted viral payload expression within the mammalian spinal cord. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Griffith EC, West AE, Greenberg ME. (2024) Neuronal enhancers fine-tune adaptive circuit plasticity. Neuron
Hochbaum DR, Hulshof L, Urke A, et al. (2024) Thyroid hormone remodels cortex to coordinate body-wide metabolism and exploration. Cell
Tzeng CP, Whitwam T, Boxer LD, et al. (2023) Activity-induced MeCP2 phosphorylation regulates retinogeniculate synapse refinement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2310344120
Hochbaum DR, Dubinsky AC, Farnsworth HC, et al. (2023) Thyroid hormone rewires cortical circuits to coordinate body-wide metabolism and exploratory drive. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Tzeng CP, Whitwam T, Boxer LD, et al. (2023) Activity-Induced MeCP2 Phosphorylation Regulates Retinogeniculate Synapse Refinement. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Pollina EA, Gilliam DT, Landau AT, et al. (2023) A NPAS4-NuA4 complex couples synaptic activity to DNA repair. Nature
Duffy EE, Finander B, Choi G, et al. (2022) Developmental dynamics of RNA translation in the human brain. Nature Neuroscience
Yang MG, Ling E, Cowley CJ, et al. (2022) Characterization of sequence determinants of enhancer function using natural genetic variation. Elife. 11
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