Tom A. Sears, PhD
Affiliations: | Physiology | Institute of Neurology, Livingston, NJ, United States |
"Tom Sears"Mean distance: 12.61 (cluster 6) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Physiology Academic Tree
Sign in to add traineePeter Kirkwood | grad student | UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square | |
John Gordon Ralph Jefferys | research scientist | 1979-1986 | Institute of Neurology, London |
Sign in to add collaboratorRobert Dean Schmidt | collaborator | Institute of Neurology (Chemistry Tree) | |
William D. Willis | collaborator | Institute of Neurology |
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Schomburg ED, Steffens H, Pilyavskii AI, et al. (2015) Long lasting activity of nociceptive muscular afferents facilitates bilateral flexion reflex pattern in the feline spinal cord. Neuroscience Research. 95: 51-8 |
Schomburg ED, Steffens H, Dibaj P, et al. (2012) Major contribution of Aδ-fibres to increased reflex transmission in the feline spinal cord during acute muscle inflammation. Neuroscience Research. 72: 155-62 |
Kirkwood PA, Schmid K, Sears TA. (1993) Functional identities of thoracic respiratory interneurones in the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 461: 667-87 |
Schmid K, Kirkwood PA, Munson JB, et al. (1993) Contralateral projections of thoracic respiratory interneurones in the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 461: 647-65 |
Kirkwood PA, Schmid K, Otto M, et al. (1991) Focal blockade of single unit synaptic transmission by iontophoresis of antagonists. Neuroreport. 2: 185-8 |
Kirkwood PA, Munson JB, Sears TA, et al. (1988) Respiratory interneurones in the thoracic spinal cord of the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 395: 161-92 |
Ruggiero C, Sayers BM, Sears TA, et al. (1987) Spatio-temporal characterization of intercostal activity during breathing in the cat. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 125: 125-40 |
Kirkwood PA, Sears TA, Stagg D, et al. (1987) Intercostal muscles and purring in the cat: the influence of afferent inputs. Brain Research. 405: 187-91 |
Davies JG, Kirkwood PA, Romaniuk JR, et al. (1986) Effects of sagittal medullary section on high-frequency oscillation in rabbit phrenic neurogram. Respiration Physiology. 64: 277-87 |
Davies JG, Kirkwood PA, Sears TA. (1985) The distribution of monosynaptic connexions from inspiratory bulbospinal neurones to inspiratory motoneurones in the cat. The Journal of Physiology. 368: 63-87 |