Cynthia E. Winston

Psychology Howard University 
Personality Psychology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies
"Cynthia Winston"
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Burrell JO, Winston CE, Freeman KE. (2013) Race-acting: The varied and complex affirmative meaning of "acting Black" for African-American adolescents Culture and Psychology. 19: 95-116
Wynn ME, Winston CE, Freeman KE. (2012) The cultural historical complexity of human personality adaptation: What is the nature of African American adolescents' implicit theories of intelligence? Sage Open. 2: 1-11
Winston CE, Winston MR. (2012) Cultural Psychology of Racial Ideology in Historical Perspective: An Analytic Approach to Understanding Racialized Societies and Their Psychological Effects on Lives The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology
Terry RL, Winston CE. (2010) Personality characteristic adaptations: Multiracial adolescents' patterns of racial self-identification change Journal of Research On Adolescence. 20: 432-455
Mattis JS, Grayman NA, Cowie S, et al. (2008) Intersectional Identities and the Politics of Altruistic Care in a Low-Income, Urban Community Sex Roles. 59: 418-428
Winston CE, Kittles RA. (2005) Psychological and ethical issues related to identity and inferring ancestry of African Americans Biological Anthropology and Ethics: From Repatriation to Genetic Identity. 209-229
Winston CE, Rice DW, Bradshaw BJ, et al. (2004) Science success, narrative theories of personality, and race self complexity: is race represented in the identity construction of African American adolescents? New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 55-77
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