Gail D. Heyman

Psychology University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Gail Heyman"
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Cristina D. Zepeda research assistant UCSD
Emily Rose Reagan grad student UCSD Psychology
Jeanie M. Clifford grad student 2004 UCSD
Jessica W. Giles grad student 2004 UCSD
Caroline L. Gee grad student 2009 UCSD
Kimberly E. Vanderbilt grad student 2013 UCSD
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Amemiya J, Sodré D, Heyman GD. (2024) Early developmental insights into the social construction of race. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Amemiya J, Heyman GD, Gerstenberg T. (2024) Children use disagreement to infer what happened. Cognition. 250: 105836
Amemiya J, Heyman GD, Walker CM. (2024) How barriers become invisible: Children are less sensitive to constraints that are stable over time. Developmental Science. e13496
Ma F, Gu X, Tang L, et al. (2023) If They Won't Know, I Won't Wait: Anticipated Social Consequences Drive Children's Performance on Self-Control Tasks. Psychological Science. 9567976231198194
Amemiya J, Widjanarko K, Chung I, et al. (2023) Children can represent complex social status hierarchies: Evidence from Indonesia. Child Development
Amemiya J, Heyman GD, Walker CM. (2023) Emphasizing others' persistence can promote unwarranted social inferences in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Zhao L, Mao H, Zheng J, et al. (2023) Default settings affect children's decisions about whether to be honest. Cognition. 235: 105390
Shao S, Huang J, Zhao L, et al. (2022) The profit motive: Implications for children's reasoning about merit-based resource distribution. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 226: 105563
Zhao L, Peng J, Dong LD, et al. (2022) Academic cheating interferes with learning among middle school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 226: 105566
Zhao L, Li Y, Qin W, et al. (2022) Overheard evaluative comments: Implications for beliefs about effort and ability. Child Development
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