Kirby Gilliland
Affiliations: | Department of Psychology | University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States |
Experimental PsychologyGoogle:
"Kirby Gilliland"Mean distance: 19.49 (cluster 13)
Sign in to add traineeAdam C. Parks | research assistant | 2008-2010 | University of Oklahoma, Norman |
Wesley Bullock | grad student | ||
Dan R. Johnson | grad student | Washington & Lee University | |
Luz-Eugenia Cox-Fuenzalida | grad student | 2000 | University of Oklahoma |
Raelynn Wheeler | grad student | 2012 | University of Oklahoma |
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Vincent AS, Roebuck-Spencer TM, Fuenzalida E, et al. (2017) Test-retest reliability and practice effects for the ANAM General Neuropsychological Screening battery. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1-16 |
Roebuck-Spencer TM, Vincent AS, Gilliland K, et al. (2013) Initial clinical validation of an embedded performance validity measure within the automated neuropsychological metrics (ANAM). Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 28: 700-10 |
Roebuck-Spencer TM, Vincent AS, Schlegel RE, et al. (2013) Evidence for added value of baseline testing in computer-based cognitive assessment. Journal of Athletic Training. 48: 499-505 |
Vincent AS, Roebuck-Spencer T, Lopez MS, et al. (2012) Effects of military deployment on cognitive functioning. Military Medicine. 177: 248-55 |
Vincent AS, Bleiberg J, Yan S, et al. (2008) Reference data from the automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics for use in traumatic brain injury in an active duty military sample. Military Medicine. 173: 836-52 |
Johnson DR, Vincent AS, Johnson AE, et al. (2008) Reliability and construct validity of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) mood scale. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 23: 73-85 |
Swickert R, Cox-Fuenzalida LE, Gilliland K. (2006) Investigating the relationship between extraversion and the auditory brainstem response: A cross-validation approach Individual Differences Research. 4: 292-298 |
Matthews G, Campbell SE, Falconer S, et al. (2002) Fundamental dimensions of subjective state in performance settings: task engagement, distress, and worry. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 2: 315-40 |
Matthews G, Gilliland K. (2001) Personality, biology and cognitive science: A reply to Corr (2001) Personality and Individual Differences. 30: 353-362 |
Cox-Fuenzalida LE, Gilliland K, Swickert RJ. (2001) Congruency of the Relationship between Extraversion and the Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response Based on the EPI versus the EPQ Journal of Research in Personality. 35: 117-126 |