Helmut Holzer

Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Helmut Holzer"
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Feodor Lynen grad student 1948 University of Munich
 (Zur Kenntnis der Umsetzung von Butylalkohol und Butyraldehyd mit Hefe : Versuche zur chemischen Spaltung der Codehydrase I)


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Carlos Gancedo grad student (Plant Biology Tree)
Heinrich Betz post-doc University of Freiburg (Neurotree)
Hans-Dieter Söling post-doc 1959-1960 University of Freiburg
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Lynen A, Afting E, Holzer H. (2019) Yeast phosphofructokinase IV. Reversibility of the ATP-desensitization. Febs Letters. 30: 71-73
Varricchio F, Holzer H. (2019) Independent genetic regulation of glutamine synthetase and its inactivating (adenylating) enzyme in E. coli. Febs Letters. 3: 263-264
Holzer H, Fonseca‐Wollheim Fd, Kohlhaw G, et al. (2006) Active forms of acetaldehyde, pyruvate, and glycolic aldehyde. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 98: 453-465
Zähringer H, Holzer H, Nwaka S. (1998) Stability of neutral trehalase during heat stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is dependent on the activity of the catalytic subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, Tpk1 and Tpk2. European Journal of Biochemistry. 255: 544-51
Nwaka S, Mechler B, Holzer H. (1996) Deletion of the ATH1 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae prevents growth on trehalose. Febs Letters. 386: 235-8
Destruelle M, Holzer H, Klionsky DJ. (1996) Isolation and characterization of a novel yeast gene, ATH1, that is required for vacuolar acid trehalase activity. Yeast (Chichester, England). 11: 1015-25
Nwaka S, Kopp M, Burgert M, et al. (1994) Is thermotolerance of yeast dependent on trehalose accumulation? Febs Letters. 344: 225-8
Kienle I, Burgert M, Holzer H. (1993) Assay of trehalose with acid trehalase purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast (Chichester, England). 9: 607-11
Mittenbühler K, Holzer H. (1991) Characterization of different forms of yeast acid trehalase in the secretory pathway. Archives of Microbiology. 155: 217-220
Plankert U, Purwin C, Holzer H. (1991) Yeast fructose-2,6-bisphosphate 6-phosphatase is encoded by PHO8, the gene for nonspecific repressible alkaline phosphatase. European Journal of Biochemistry. 196: 191-6
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