Surya Ganguli, Ph.D.

2004 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
"Surya Ganguli"
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Petr Horava grad student 2004 UC Berkeley
 (Geometry from algebra: The holographic emergence of spacetime in string theory.)


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Andrew Saxe grad student (Neurotree)
Alex Henry Williams grad student 2016- (Neurotree)
Niru Maheswaranathan grad student 2011-2017 Stanford (Neurotree)
Aran Nayebi grad student 2016-2022 Stanford (Neurotree)
Friedemann Zenke post-doc 2015-2017 (Neurotree)
Stéphane Deny post-doc 2017-2019 Stanford (Computational Biology Tree)
Hidenori Tanaka post-doc 2018-2019 Stanford
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Kunin D, Sagastuy-Brena J, Gillespie L, et al. (2023) The Limiting Dynamics of SGD: Modified Loss, Phase-Space Oscillations, and Anomalous Diffusion. Neural Computation. 36: 151-174
Maheswaranathan N, McIntosh LT, Tanaka H, et al. (2023) Interpreting the retinal neural code for natural scenes: From computations to neurons. Neuron
Ding X, Lee D, Melander JB, et al. (2023) Information Geometry of the Retinal Representation Manifold. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Zador A, Escola S, Richards B, et al. (2023) Catalyzing next-generation Artificial Intelligence through NeuroAI. Nature Communications. 14: 1597
Sorscher B, Mel GC, Ocko SA, et al. (2022) A unified theory for the computational and mechanistic origins of grid cells. Neuron
Sorscher B, Ganguli S, Sompolinsky H. (2022) Neural representational geometry underlies few-shot concept learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2200800119
Stock CH, Harvey SE, Ocko SA, et al. (2022) Synaptic balancing: A biologically plausible local learning rule that provably increases neural network noise robustness without sacrificing task performance. Plos Computational Biology. 18: e1010418
Nayebi A, Sagastuy-Brena J, Bear DM, et al. (2022) Recurrent Connections in the Primate Ventral Visual Stream Mediate a Trade-Off between Task Performance and Network Size during Core Object Recognition. Neural Computation. 1-25
Tanaka H, Nayebi A, Maheswaranathan N, et al. (2022) From deep learning to mechanistic understanding in neuroscience: the structure of retinal prediction. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 32: 8537-8547
Melander JB, Nayebi A, Jongbloets BC, et al. (2021) Distinct in vivo dynamics of excitatory synapses onto cortical pyramidal neurons and parvalbumin-positive interneurons. Cell Reports. 37: 109972
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