Ledia F Hernandez

McGovern Instittute for Brain Research, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Parkinson's Disease
"Ledia Hernandez"
Mean distance: 13.76 (cluster 10)
Cross-listing: Neuropathology Tree

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Mendonça MD, da Silva JA, Hernandez LF, et al. (2024) Dopamine neuron activity encodes the length of upcoming contralateral movement sequences. Current Biology : Cb
Castela I, Casado-Polanco R, Rubio YV, et al. (2022) Selective activation of striatal indirect pathway suppresses levodopa induced-dyskinesias. Neurobiology of Disease. 105930
Molinet-Dronda F, Blesa J, Del Rey NL, et al. (2022) Cerebral metabolic pattern associated with progressive parkinsonism in non-human primates reveals early cortical hypometabolism. Neurobiology of Disease. 167: 105669
Castela I, Hernández LF. (2020) Shedding light on dyskinesias. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Hernandez LF, Obeso I, Costa RM, et al. (2019) Dopaminergic Vulnerability in Parkinson Disease: The Cost of Humans' Habitual Performance. Trends in Neurosciences
Picconi B, Hernández LF, Obeso JA, et al. (2017) Motor complications in Parkinson's disease: Striatal molecular and electrophysiological mechanisms of dyskinesias. Movement Disorders : Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society
Blesa J, Trigo-Damas I, Dileone M, et al. (2017) Compensatory mechanisms in Parkinson's disease: Circuits adaptations and role in disease modification. Experimental Neurology
Hernández LF, Redgrave P, Obeso JA. (2015) Corrigendum: Habitual Behavior and Dopamine Cell Vulnerability in Parkinson Disease. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 9: 146
Hernández LF, Redgrave P, Obeso JA. (2015) Habitual behavior and dopamine cell vulnerability in Parkinson disease. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 9: 99
Mellone M, Stanic J, Hernandez LF, et al. (2015) NMDA receptor GluN2A/GluN2B subunit ratio as synaptic trait of levodopa-induced dyskinesias: from experimental models to patients. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 9: 245
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