Hans H. Strupp, Ph.D.

Psychology Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
"Hans Strupp"
Mean distance: 16.01 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons grad student
Diana E. Hartley grad student Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
Robert W. Levenson grad student Vanderbilt
Hanna Levenson grad student Levenson Institute for Training
Stephen B. Manuck grad student Vanderbilt
Karla Moras grad student Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
William Ray grad student 1972 Penn State
Stephanie S. O'Malley grad student 1976-1983 Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
Elizabeth S. Ochoa grad student 1990 (PsychTree)
Lisa Najavits grad student 1983-1990 Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
Thomas Schacht post-doc Vanderbilt (PsychTree)
Jeffrey Binder post-doc 1980-1991 Vanderbilt
Timothy Anderson post-doc 1993-1996 (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Anderson T, Strupp HH. (2015) Training in time-limited dynamic psychotherapy: A systematic comparison of pre- and post-training cases treated by one therapist. Psychotherapy Research : Journal of the Society For Psychotherapy Research. 25: 595-611
Strupp HH. (2013) The outcome problem in psychotherapy revisited. 1963. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 50: 3-11
Strupp HH. (2007) Some comments on the future of research in psychotherapy Behavioral Science. 5: 60-71
Strupp HH. (2001) Implications of the Empirically Supported Treatment Movement for Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Dialogues. 11: 605-619
Vakoch DA, Strupp HH. (2000) The evolution of psychotheroapy training: reflections on manual-based learning and future alternatives. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 56: 309-18
Hilliard RB, Henry WP, Strupp HH. (2000) An interpersonal model of psychotherapy: linking patient and therapist developmental history, therapeutic process, and types of outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 68: 125-33
Bein E, Anderson T, Strupp HH, et al. (2000) The effects of training in time-limited dynamic psychotherapy: Changes in therapeutic outcome Psychotherapy Research. 10: 119-132
Strupp HH. (2000) Ein zeitgemäßer Blick auf die psychodynamische Psychotherapie und deren Zukunft@@@A contemporary view on psychodynamic psychotherapy and its future Psychotherapeut. 45: 1-9
Levenson H, Strupp HH. (1999) Recommendations for the future of training in brief dynamic psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 55: 385-91
Anderson T, Bein E, Pinnell B, et al. (1999) Linguistic Analysis of Affective Speech in Psychotherapy: A case grammar approach Psychotherapy Research. 9: 88-99
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