Kunihiko Obata, MD. Ph.D.
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Miyazawa T, Sato K, Obata K. (1995) A synaptic vesicle-associated protein (SVP-38) as an early indicator of delayed neuronal death. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 15: 462-6 |
Kojima N, Shirao T, Obata K. (1993) Molecular cloning of a developmentally regulated brain protein, chicken drebrin A and its expression by alternative splicing of the drebrin gene. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research. 19: 101-14 |
Shirao T, Kojima N, Obata K. (1992) Cloning of drebrin A and induction of neurite-like processes in drebrin-transfected cells. Neuroreport. 3: 109-12 |
Shirao T, Obata K. (1992) [The role of neuronal cytoskeleton associated proteins in neuronal network formation]. Nihon Yakurigaku Zasshi. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica. 100: 465-73 |
Miyazawa T, Nishiye H, Sato K, et al. (1992) Cortical synaptogenesis in congenitally hydrocephalic HTX-rats using monoclonal anti-synaptic vesicle protein antibody. Brain & Development. 14: 75-9 |
Kohga H, Obata K. (1992) Retinoic acid-induced neural tube defects with multiple canals in the chick: immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies. Neuroscience Research. 13: 175-87 |
Imamura K, Shirao T, Mori K, et al. (1992) Changes of drebrin expression in the visual cortex of the cat during development. Neuroscience Research. 13: 33-41 |
Shirao T, Kojima N, Terada S, et al. (1990) Expression of three drebrin isoforms in the developing nervous system. Neuroscience Research. Supplement : the Official Journal of the Japan Neuroscience Society. 13: S106-11 |
Obata K, Tanaka H. (1989) Molecular differentiation of the otic vesicle and neural tube in the chick embryo demonstrated by monoclonal antibodies. Neuroscience Research. 6: 131-42 |
Go MJ, Tanaka H, Obata K, et al. (1989) Developmental changes in phosphorylation state of neurofilament proteins in the chick embryonic optic nerve. Developmental Biology. 134: 85-102 |