Eric M. Rodriguez, Ph.D.

2006 City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
Personality Psychology, Social Psychology, General Religion
"Eric Rodriguez"
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Suzanne C. Ouellette grad student 2006 CUNY
 (At the intersection of church and gay: Religion, spirituality, conflict, and integration in gay, lesbian, and bisexual people of faith.)
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Etengoff C, Lefevor GT, Huynh KD, et al. (2023) Development and Validation of the Sexual Minority and Religious Identity Integration (SMRII) Scale. Journal of Homosexuality. 1-30
Etengoff C, Rodriguez EM. (2021) Incorporating Transformative Intersectional Psychology (TIP) into Our Understanding of LGBTQ Muslims' Lived Experiences, Challenges, and Growth. Journal of Homosexuality. 1-8
Etengoff C, Rodriguez EM. (2020) “At its core, Islam is about standing with the oppressed”: Exploring transgender Muslims’ religious resilience. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Rodriguez EM, Etengoff C, Vaughan MD. (2017) A Quantitative Examination of Identity Integration in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People of Faith. Journal of Homosexuality
Rodriguez EM, Etengoff C. (2016) Religious workplaces: The joys, trials and tribulations of LGBT clergy Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives On Lgbt Workforce Diversity. 181-196
Lytle MC, Vaughan MD, Rodriguez EM, et al. (2014) Working with LGBT Individuals: Incorporating Positive Psychology into Training and Practice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 1: 335-347
Vaughan MD, Rodriguez EM. (2014) LGBT Strengths: Incorporating Positive Psychology Into Theory, Research, Training, and Practice Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 1: 325-334
Rodriguez EM, Lytle MC, Vaughan MD. (2013) Exploring the Intersectionality of Bisexual, Religious/Spiritual, and Political Identities from a Feminist Perspective. Journal of Bisexuality. 13: 285-309
Rodriguez EM, Follins LD. (2012) Did God make me this way? Expanding psychological research on queer religiosity and spirituality to include intersex and transgender individuals Psychology and Sexuality. 3: 214-225
Rodriguez EM. (2010) At the intersection of church and gay: a review of the psychological research on gay and lesbian christians. Journal of Homosexuality. 57: 5-38
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