Karen M. Warkentin, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Biology Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Phenotypic plasticity, hatching, amphibians
"Karen Warkentin"
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Cross-listing: Evolution Tree


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Richard J. Wassersug grad student 1990 Dalhousie University
 (M.S.: Feeding rates in Rana clamitans larvae (Anura:Ranidae) in relationship to microhabitat use, with an assessment of the effects of temperature and light on tadpole feeding)
Michael J. Ryan grad student 1998 UT Austin
 (Ph.D.: Phenotypic plasticity at hatching in the red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryas: Life history, behavior and development)
Andrew (Andy) Sih post-doc 1998-2001 University of Kentucky (Evolution Tree)


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Rebecca D. Tarvin research assistant 2010 Boston University (Evolution Tree)
Justin C. Touchon grad student 2009 Boston University
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Lisondro-Arosemena AK, Salazar-Nicholls MJ, Warkentin KM. (2024) Elevated ammonia cues hatching in red-eyed treefrogs: A mechanism for escape from drying eggs. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B, Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Méndez-Narváez J, Warkentin KM. (2023) Early onset of urea synthesis and ammonia detoxification pathways in three terrestrially developing frogs. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology
Guevara-Molina EC, Gomes FR, Warkentin KM. (2022) Heat-Induced Hatching of Red-Eyed Treefrog Embryos: Hydration and Clutch Structure Increase Behavioral Thermal Tolerance. Integrative Organismal Biology (Oxford, England). 4: obac041
Güell BA, Jung J, Almanzar A, et al. (2022) Ontogeny of risk assessment and escape-hatching performance by red-eyed treefrog embryos in two threat contexts. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Majoris JE, Francisco FA, Burns CM, et al. (2022) Paternal care regulates the timing, synchrony and success of hatching in a coral reef fish. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20221466
Méndez-Narváez J, Warkentin KM. (2022) Reproductive colonization of land by frogs: Embryos and larvae excrete urea to avoid ammonia toxicity. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8570
Jung J, Serrano-Rojas SJ, Warkentin KM. (2020) Multimodal mechanosensing enables treefrog embryos to escape egg-predators. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Jung J, Serrano-Rojas SJ, Warkentin KM. (2020) Multimodal mechanosensing enables treefrog embryos to escape egg-predators. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Jung J, Kim SJ, Pérez Arias SM, et al. (2019) How do red-eyed treefrog embryos sense motion in predator attacks? Assessing the role of vestibular mechanoreception. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Cohen KL, Piacentino ML, Warkentin KM. (2019) Two types of hatching gland cells facilitate escape-hatching at different developmental stages in red-eyed treefrogs, Agalychnis callidryas (Anura: Phyllomedusidae) Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 126: 751-767
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