Jacob A. Bentley, Ph.D.

2011 Clinical Psychology Seattle Pacific University 
Clinical Psychology
"Jacob Bentley"
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John W. Thoburn grad student 2011 Seattle Pacific University
 (Cross-cultural assessment of psychological symptoms among Somali refugees.)
BETA: Related publications


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Bowling AR, Klein AB, Sheikh IS, et al. (2024) Perceived Need for a Faith-Based Trauma-Focused Treatment in a Sample of Forcibly Displaced Muslims. Cogent Mental Health. 3: 1-18
Zoellner LA, Feeny NC, Angula DA, et al. (2023) Islamic trauma healing (ITH): A scalable, community-based program for trauma: Cluster randomized control trial design and method. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 37: 101237
Alsubaie MK, Dolezal M, Sheikh IS, et al. (2021) Religious coping, perceived discrimination, and posttraumatic growth in an international sample of forcibly displaced Muslims. Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 24: 976-992
Zoellner LA, Bentley JA, Feeny NC, et al. (2021) Reaching the Unreached: Bridging Islam and Science to Treat the Mental Wounds of War. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 599293
Dolezal ML, Alsubaie MK, Sheikh I, et al. (2020) Differences in Posttraumatic and Psychosocial Outcomes Among Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Bhattarai J', Bentley J, Morean W, et al. (2020) Promoting equity at the population level: Putting the foundational principles into practice through disability advocacy. Rehabilitation Psychology. 65: 87-100
Tingey JL, Lum J, Morean W, et al. (2020) Healthcare coverage and utilization among caregivers in the United States: Findings from the 2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Rehabilitation Psychology
Bentley JA, Mohamed F, Feeny N, et al. (2020) Local to global: Somali perspectives on faith, community, and resilience in response to COVID-19. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 12: S261-S263
Bentley JA, Dolezal ML, Alsubaie MK. (2019) Does duration of residency in the United States influence psychological symptoms and postmigration stressors among refugees? Potential implications of populism for refugee mental health. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. 8: 161-176
Franklin RA, Butler MP, Bentley JA. (2018) The physical postures of yoga practices may protect against depressive symptoms, even as life stressors increase: a moderation analysis. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 1-10
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