Anshul Jain, Ph.D.

Graduate Center for Vision Research SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY, United States 
Vision Perception
"Anshul Jain SUNY"
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Thomas Papathomas grad student 2004-2008 Rutgers, New Brunswick
 (Interactions between auditory and visual motion mechanisms and the role of attention: Psychophysics and quantitative models.)
Qasim Zaidi post-doc 2008- SUNY College of Optometry
Benjamin Backus post-doc 2008-2010 SUNY College of Optometry
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Jain A, Fuller S, Backus BT. (2014) Cue-recruitment for extrinsic signals after training with low information stimuli. Plos One. 9: e96383
Jain A, Zaidi Q. (2014) Insights into the perception of 3-D deforming shapes and shape deformations from comparisons of foveal and peripheral performance Journal of Vision. 14: 733-733
Jain A, Backus BT. (2013) Generalization of cue recruitment to non-moving stimuli: location and surface-texture contingent biases for 3-D shape perception. Vision Research. 82: 13-21
Jain A, Zaidi Q. (2013) Efficiency of extracting stereo-driven object motions. Journal of Vision. 13
Jain A, Doerschner K, Zaidi Q. (2013) Identification of Nonrigid 3D Shapes from Motion Cues in the Fovea and Periphery Journal of Vision. 13: 264-264
Sherman A, Papathomas TV, Jain A, et al. (2012) The role of stereopsis, motion parallax, perspective and angle polarity in perceiving 3-D shape. Seeing and Perceiving. 25: 263-85
Jain A, Zaidi Q. (2012) Efficiency of object motion extraction using disparity signals Journal of Vision. 12: 153-153
Ash J, Ravaliya J, Hughes J, et al. (2012) Familiarity Dominates Shape-From-Motion Signals in the Concave-to-Convex 3D illusion Journal of Vision. 12: 1196-1196
Harrison SJ, Backus BT, Jain A. (2011) Disambiguation of Necker cube rotation by monocular and binocular depth cues: relative effectiveness for establishing long-term bias. Vision Research. 51: 978-86
Jain A, Zaidi Q. (2011) Discerning nonrigid 3D shapes from motion cues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 1663-8
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