Shonna D. Waters, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN |
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"Shonna Waters"Mean distance: 11249.1
Sign in to add mentorPaul R. Sackett | grad student | 2007 | UMN | |
(General vs. specific ability tradeoffs in personnel selection: Consequences for validity and subgroup differences.) |
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Connelly BS, Sackett PR, Waters SD. (2013) Balancing Treatment and Control Groups in Quasi-Experiments: An Introduction to Propensity Scoring Personnel Psychology. 66: 407-442 |
Whetzel DL, McCloy RA, Hooper A, et al. (2011) Meta-Analysis of Clerical Performance Predictors: Still stable after all these years International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 19: 41-50 |
Cullen MJ, Waters SD, Sackett PR. (2006) Testing stereotype threat theory predictions for math-identified and non-math-identified students by gender Human Performance. 19: 421-440 |