Tiffany M. Greene-Shortridge, Ph.D.

2008 Psychology Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States 
Industrial Psychology
"Tiffany Greene-Shortridge"
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Thomas W. Britt grad student 2008 Clemson University
 (Proximal and longitudinal outcomes of person -environment fit: A positive psychological approach.)
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Odle-Dusseau HN, Britt TW, Greene-Shortridge TM. (2012) Organizational work-family resources as predictors of job performance and attitudes: the process of work-family conflict and enrichment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17: 28-40
Britt TW, Mckibben ES, Greene-Shortridge TM, et al. (2012) Self-Engagement Moderates the Mediated Relationship Between Organizational Constraints and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Via Rated Leadership Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 42: 1830-1846
Odle-Dusseau HN, Britt TW, Greene-Shortridge TM. (2012) "Organizational work–family resources as predictors of job performance and attitudes: The process of work–family conflict and enrichment": Correction to Odle-Dusseau, Britt, and Green-Shortridge (2012). Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17: 234-234
McEntire LE, Greene-Shortridge TM. (2011) Recruiting and selecting leaders for innovation: How to find the right leader Advances in Developing Human Resources. 13: 266-278
Britt TW, McKibben ES, Greene-Shortridge TM, et al. (2010) Self-engagement as a predictor of performance and emotional reactions to performance outcomes. The British Journal of Social Psychology / the British Psychological Society. 49: 237-57
Britt TW, Greene-Shortridge TM, Brink S, et al. (2008) Perceived stigma and barriers to care for psychological treatment: Implications for reactions to stressors in different contexts Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 27: 317-335
Greene-Shortridge TM, Britt TW, Castro CA. (2007) The stigma of mental health problems in the military. Military Medicine. 172: 157-61
Britt TW, Dickinson JM, Greene-Shortridge TM, et al. (2007) Self-engagement at work Positive Organizational Behavior. 143-158
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