Carolyn Rovee-Collier, Ph.D.

"Carolyn Rovee-Collier"
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Cuevas K, Learmonth AE, Rovee-Collier C. (2015) A dissociation between recognition and reactivation: The renewal effect at 3 months of age. Developmental Psychobiology
Learmonth AE, Cuevas K, Rovee-Collier C. (2015) Deconstructing the reactivation of imitation in young infants. Developmental Psychobiology. 57: 497-505
Rovee-Collier C, Mitchell K, Hsu-Yang V. (2013) Effortlessly strengthening infant memory: associative potentiation of new learning. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 54: 4-9
Giles A, Rovee-Collier C. (2011) Infant long-term memory for associations formed during mere exposure. Infant Behavior & Development. 34: 327-38
Barr R, Rovee-Collier C, Learmonth A. (2011) Potentiation in young infants: the origin of the prior knowledge effect? Memory & Cognition. 39: 625-36
Rovee-Collier C, Giles A. (2010) Why a neuromaturational model of memory fails: exuberant learning in early infancy. Behavioural Processes. 83: 197-206
Rovee-Collier C, Barr R. (2010) Infant Learning and Memory Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development, Second Edition. 1: 271-294
Rovee-Collier C, Cuevas K. (2009) Multiple memory systems are unnecessary to account for infant memory development: an ecological model. Developmental Psychology. 45: 160-74
Defrancisco BS, Rovee-Collier C. (2008) The specificity of priming effects over the first year of life. Developmental Psychobiology. 50: 486-501
Hsu VC, Rovee-Collier C. (2006) Memory reactivation in the second year of life. Infant Behavior & Development. 29: 91-107
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