Arnd Roth

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
computational neuroscience
"Arnd Roth"
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Gauld OM, Packer AM, Russell LE, et al. (2024) A latent pool of neurons silenced by sensory-evoked inhibition can be recruited to enhance perception. Neuron
Goetz L, Roth A, Häusser M. (2021) Active dendrites enable strong but sparse inputs to determine orientation selectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Dalgleish HWP, Russell LE, Packer AM, et al. (2020) How many neurons are sufficient for perception of cortical activity? Elife. 9
Schmidt-Hieber C, Toleikyte G, Aitchison L, et al. (2017) Active dendritic integration as a mechanism for robust and precise grid cell firing. Nature Neuroscience
Buchin A, Rieubland S, Häusser M, et al. (2016) Inverse Stochastic Resonance in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells. Plos Computational Biology. 12: e1005000
van Welie I, Roth A, Ho SS, et al. (2016) Conditional Spike Transmission Mediated by Electrical Coupling Ensures Millisecond Precision-Correlated Activity among Interneurons In Vivo. Neuron
Goetz L, Roth A, Häusser M. (2015) Dendritic Inhibitory Synapses Punch above Their Weight. Neuron. 87: 465-8
Goetz L, Groen MR, Roth A, et al. (2015) Synaptic input patterns triggering local dendritic spikes in vivo Bmc Neuroscience. 16
Rieubland S, Roth A, Häusser M. (2014) Structured connectivity in cerebellar inhibitory networks. Neuron. 81: 913-29
Rieubland S, Roth A, Häusser M. (2012) Dendritic ventriloquism: inhibitory synapses throw their voices. Neuron. 75: 190-3
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