Christina G. Watlington, Ph.D.

2005 University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Clinical Psychology, General Religion, Black Studies, Women's Studies
"Christina Watlington"
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Christopher Murphy grad student 2005 UMBC
 (Coping with domestic violence: The roles of spirituality and religion in the lives of African American women.)
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Watlington C. (2007) Psychotherapy with Women: Exploring Diverse Contexts and Identities Clinical Psychology Review. 27: 1004
Zoellner LA, Jaycox LH, Watlington CG, et al. (2003) Are the dissociative criteria in ASD useful? Journal of Traumatic Stress. 16: 341-50
ZOELLNER LA, FEENY NC, ALVAREZ J, et al. (2000) Factors Associated With Completion of the Restraining Order Process in Female Victims of Partner Violence Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 15: 1081-1099
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