Brian M. Jobe, Ph.D.

2014 Psychology University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
"Brian Jobe"
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Christopher Murphy grad student 2014 UMBC
 (Intimate partner violence recidivism over an 8 year followup.)
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Glidden LM, Jobe BM. (2009) Chapter 3 By Choice or By Chance. Longitudinal Perspectives on Resilience and Vulnerability in Adoptive and Birth Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. 37: 61-93
Jobe BM, Glidden LM. (2008) Chapter 9 "What do you Think if ...". Using Vignettes to Study Attitudes Toward Adult Sibling Caregiving and Competence of Parents of Children with Disabilities International Review of Research in Mental Retardation. 36: 317-341
Glidden LM, Jobe BM. (2007) Measuring parental daily rewards and worries in the transition to adulthood. American Journal of Mental Retardation : Ajmr. 112: 275-88
Glidden LM, Billings FJ, Jobe BM. (2006) Personality, coping style and well-being of parents rearing children with developmental disabilities Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 50: 949-962
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