Lisa Payne, Ph.D.

Neuroscience Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"Lisa Payne"
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Fleck JI, Payne L, Halko C, et al. (2019) Should we pay attention to eye movements? The impact of bilateral eye movements on behavioral and neural responses during the Attention Network Test. Brain and Cognition. 132: 56-71
Rogers CS, Payne L, Maharjan S, et al. (2018) Older adults show impaired modulation of attentional alpha oscillations: Evidence from dichotic listening. Psychology and Aging. 33: 246-258
Keller AS, Payne L, Sekuler R. (2017) Characterizing the roles of alpha and theta oscillations in multisensory attention. Neuropsychologia
Payne L, Rogers CS, Wingfield A, et al. (2016) A right-ear bias of auditory selective attention is evident in alpha oscillations. Psychophysiology
Green DL, Payne L, Polikar R, et al. (2015) P50: A candidate ERP biomarker of prodromal Alzheimer׳s disease. Brain Research. 1624: 390-7
Payne L, Sekuler R. (2014) The importance of ignoring: Alpha oscillations protect selectivity. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 23: 171-177
Dubé C, Payne L, Sekuler R, et al. (2013) Paying attention to attention in recognition memory: insights from models and electrophysiology. Psychological Science. 24: 2398-408
Payne L, Guillory S, Sekuler R. (2013) Attention-modulated alpha-band oscillations protect against intrusion of irrelevant information. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25: 1463-76
Kounios J, Green DL, Payne L, et al. (2009) Semantic richness and the activation of concepts in semantic memory: evidence from event-related potentials. Brain Research. 1282: 95-102
Payne L, Kounios J. (2009) Coherent oscillatory networks supporting short-term memory retention. Brain Research. 1247: 126-32
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