Jay Trowill, PhD

Psychology University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, United States 
"Jay Trowill"
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Chisholm DC, Trowill JA. (1976) Effects of response experience and concurrent hypothalamic stimulation on electrically elicited behavior Physiological Psychology. 4: 195-197
Panksepp J, Trowill JA. (1971) Positive and negative contrast in licking with shifts in sucrose concentration as a function of food deprivation Learning and Motivation. 2: 49-57
Clarke S, Panksepp J, Trowill J, et al. (1970) A method of recording sniffing in the free-moving rat. Physiology & Behavior. 5: 125-6
Panksepp J, Gandelman R, Trowill J. (1970) Modulation of hypothalamic self-stimulation and escape behavior by chlordiazepoxide. Physiology & Behavior. 5: 965-9
Ashton A, Gandelman RJ, Trowill JA. (1970) Effects of reinforcement shifts upon subsequent sucrose consumption Psychonomic Science. 21: 7-8
Ashton AB, Gandelman R, Trowill JA. (1970) Effect of food deprivation upon elation of saccharin drinking following a temporary shift to water Psychonomic Science. 21: 5-6
Panksepp J, Trowill JA. (1970) Positive incentive contrast with rewardings electrical stimulation of the brain Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 70: 358-363
Trowill JA, Panksepp J, Gandelman R. (1969) An incentive model of rewarding brain stimulation. Psychological Review. 76: 264-81
Panksepp J, Trowill J. (1969) Electrically induced affective attack from the hypothalamus of the albino rat Psychonomic Science. 16: 118-119
Gandelman R, Trowill JA. (1969) Effects of reinforcement shifts upon subsequent saccharin consumption Psychonomic Science. 15: 25-25
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