Ana M. Franco-Watkins, Ph.D.

Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
"Ana Franco-Watkins"
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Michael Dougherty grad student 2004 University of Maryland
 (Examining group and individual approaches to strategy use in frequency judgments.)
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Franco-Watkins AM, Davis ME, Johnson JG. (2016) The ticking time bomb: Using eye-tracking methodology to capture attentional processing during gradual time constraints. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Kyathanahally S, Franco-Watkins A, Zhang X, et al. (2016) A realistic framework for investigating decision-making in the brain with high spatio-temporal resolution using simultaneous EEG/fMRI and joint ICA. Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Franco-Watkins AM, Mattson RE, Jackson MD. (2015) Now or Later? Attentional Processing and Intertemporal Choice Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Franco-Watkins AM, Edwards BD, Acuff RE. (2013) Effort and Fairness in Bargaining Games Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 26: 79-90
Mattson RE, Franco-Watkins AM, Cunningham K. (2012) How Do I Regret Thee? Let Me Count My Alternatives: Regret and Decision Making in Intimate Relationships Psychology. 3: 657-665
Sprenger AM, Dougherty MR, Atkins SM, et al. (2011) Implications of cognitive load for hypothesis generation and probability judgment. Frontiers in Psychology. 2: 129
Franco-Watkins AM, Johnson JG. (2011) Decision moving window: using interactive eye tracking to examine decision processes. Behavior Research Methods. 43: 853-63
Franco-Watkins AM, Rickard TC, Pashler H. (2010) Taxing executive processes does not necessarily increase impulsive decision making. Experimental Psychology. 57: 193-201
Dougherty MR, Franco-Watkins AM, Thomas R. (2008) Psychological plausibility of the theory of probabilistic mental models and the fast and frugal heuristics. Psychological Review. 115: 199-213
Dougherty MR, Thomas R, Franco-Watkins AM. (2008) Postscript: Vague Heuristics Revisited Psychological Review. 115: 211-213
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